Thirty years experience to give you the edge in negotiation. Home Page> Examples


IT – Risk Management:

At Comdisco, one of the first Disaster Recovery providers in the industry, I negotiated many disaster recovery contracts with strategic customers.  Comdisco’s Disaster Recovery Projects were often one-of-a-kind requiring in-depth understanding of risk management and limit of liability issues.

IT – International:

I worked in Comdisco’s London office for a four-month assignment for a four-month assignment to support a newly hired attorney and to help develop the legal infrastructure in response to rapidly increased global expansion. I assisted the UK sales force on many financing and lease deals and disaster recovery services agreements.

Healthcare GPO Issues:

I led a team in the renegotiation of the contract for in a product category representing over $500 Million in expense to member hospitals. Market intelligence suggested that current contract pricing was at least 10% too high. Decision to bring category to RFP was made. I assisted two line business executives in the negotiation with 4 full line vendors. After intense negotiations, I achieved significant, ground-breaking concessions in product category.

  • Improved pricing (both line item and incentives).
  • Developed Downtime Protection clause that allows members to buy competing product without allowing vendor to raise price on related product if the vendor’s product exceeded specified downtime.
  • Implemented Termination Without Cause provision – a major concession.
  • Detailed remedies surrounding product reliability (warranties, etc.).

Not-for-Profit Issues:

  • While at Comdisco, I established the COMDISCO Foundation in honor of former Chairman, and worked with the stakeholders to ensure smooth functioning of legal requirements.
  • At YMCA of the USA, I advised leadership of member YMCAs on questions of movement-wide importance, including applicable tax regulations on qualified sponsorships.